
Thursday, March 7, 2024

Painting Stark heroes

Three character miniatures for ASOIAF.

Original state

All browns and blues.


I started by shading the blue Drakenhof Nightshade, then highlight Heavy Blue, then mix in Turqoise for a second highlight. This is very similar to the Tully swordsmen - I think it was the same basecoat.

Then shade all the browns Agrax Earthshade. These browns are all over the place, and I couldn't follow my painting tips exactly at all times. So I just put my brown paints on the wet palette (Charred Brown, Dark Fleshtone, Heavy Brown, Beasty Brown, Leather Brown, Filthy brown) and did the highlights as they made sense. Also Brown fur cloak.

Repaint the skin as medium skintone. Eyes too small to be painted but Female face works.

Black hair for Eddard and Arya.

Arya has a bit of underskirt showing, which I highlighted Cold Grey. Then do white on the pants.

Finish off with the metallic silver.

Do the bases


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