
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Adding LEDs to a Rogal Dorn tank

After long deliberation on where to place the LEDs, I decided on the front plate. The turret will be busy enough as-is, without a searchlight.

I forgot to take the WIP pictures; as I did this in between magnetizing. But the process is fairly simple. Drill the front plate, there are some handy bits that serve as guides. Glue in the LEDs using resin. Assemble one side of the lower tank body. Create the circuit.

There is one problem though: the huge opening in the floor. I decided on putting the switch in the front plate, making the interior pretty cramped. Especially since I messed up something, and had to re-solder some connections. Taping the connections was then very difficult.

I bridged the problem using a piece of plastic - a card, in this case - to cover up some of the opening. Make sure to leave enough space so the battery can be taken out. This also requires longer cables.


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