
Thursday, April 4, 2024

Magnetizing a Rogal Dorn tank

I did this along with the LEDs.

Magnetizing the front guns

Start with the little guns. Cut off the pin.

Glue it in the mount.

The larger gun has a larger connector. I hacked at it with clippers and knife. Then I got a better idea. Cut the connector off the gun, and glue it in.

There! Solid surfaces to drill some magnets in.

3mm for the bigger mount and 2mm for the smaller ones.

Drill the small guns for 2mm magnets. The larger guns already have holes that are perfect for the task, or maybe one has to be drilled, can't remember, didn't take WIP pictures.

So here's the anti infantry options.

And the anti tank ones.

Magnetizing the sponsoons

Exactly the same as the Leman Russ sponsoons.

Magnetizing the turret guns

Easer than it first looked. 5mm magnets in the turret are wide enough to cover both gun variants.

Make sure they are well fixed.

I drilled 2mm magnet into the coaxial autocannon and 5mm into the big gun.

I drilled 3mm magnets into the twin cannon, but it also takes 5mm. I found this out by inserting the magnets with the wrong polarity, so that the gun shot out when I tried to mount it. I had to dig out the magnets with my knife and re-drill the holes.

Magnetizing the hatches

Tank commanders are currently not an option and heavy stubbers are currently free. But note how I'm adding currently to everything. Better be safe.

First glue the occupant leaning out. Yes that is a 3d printed nun. Make sure the polarity is the same as previous magnetized nuns.

Close the hatch using plasticard. Or in this case, a chopped up card.

Glue magnets inside. Make sure the polarity is OK.

Fix the magnets using copious amounts of green stuff.

Assemble the turret.

Final assembly

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