
Thursday, April 11, 2024

Painting Knights of Casterly Rock

Painting the first cavalry and also the first Lannister unit for the ASOIAF commissions.

Original state

Painting the horses

We agreed on dark horses so I did two black ones. Basecoat Black Legion - but two layers to cover up the red. Maybe a bit too dark. Highlight with a mix of Black and Heavy Grey, then Cold Grey. Way too stark, but a wash of Nuln Oil meshed the colors together nicely.

Drybrush the tail Cold Grey, then wash Nuln Oil. Re-drybrush just a bit on the ends.

I tried dryrbushing the first dark brown horse. Basecoat Charred Brown, then gradually mix in Heavy Brown for drybrushes. Not very impressed.

Second try with layering. Charred Brown, 2:1 Charred Brown and Gorthor Brown, then 1:1, then pure Gorthor Brown.  I liked this a lot better.

Paint the muzzle Heavy Skintone, then diluted and glaze the transition. Reikland Fleshshade for some warmth.

Do the tails same as for the black horses.

Paint the riders

With the experimental phase over, I moved to finish the riders by applying some painting tips:

I tried a brighter red by going over the banner and plumes with Reikland Fleshshade, then highlight Bloody Red and Orange Fire. Not bad, but I think it would go better over a lighter basecoat, such as Blood Angels Red.


We agreed on orange rock/sand and greenery for the Lannisters. 


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