
Monday, April 15, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh vs Kharadron Overlords

Still in the grip of  Age of Sigmar after the weekend event, I was eager to try out a new list based on what I learned. Basically nothing can take a hit, so I slashed Syl'Esske and 10 Daemonettes in favor of 2 cavalry squads to act as fast screens.

We rolled up Limited Resources, and I was made to go first. Time to spread across the board!

On their turn, the dwarves moved up and deleted the whippy cavalry. As expected. We both picked objective-controlling battle tactics, 5-5 so far.

Battle round 2

I snagged initiative and went. I moved as tactically as possible, charging with the far left cavalry first to block some Unleash Hell. Unfortunately the Daemonettes failed their rerollable 8" charge, and the Bladebringer was not enough to delete both the Thunderers and their accompanying Gunhauler. The dwarves rolled all their 4+ saves.

Obviously, the cavalry was unable to hurt the other gunhauler.

Unable to kill this one, I missed my objective grab and battle tactic, for a 0 point turn.

On their turn, the dwarves deleted both the cavalry and my general. 2+ save (Finest hour/All out defense) means nothing if I can only roll 1s and 2s.

Battle round 3

The kharadron advanced towards my single remaining unit, and utterly annihilated the archers.

However, I could still summon on my turn. Take a guess, whether a regular chariot can take out a squad of Thunderers. Hint: no.

Battle round 4

The Kharadron took the initiative, and I conceded.


It turns out that if you can hurt the enemy without them hurting you back, you win.

Alright, salt aside. I feel like I had a much better list and playstyle compared to the weekend event. I had a good chance thanks to my high mobility. And although I don't like to blame dice... my general went down like a punk, although mathematically she was safe-ish.

Back to the drawing board.

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