
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Painting Tully Sworn Shields

My first foray into commission ASOIAF miniatures, although not the first finished task (curse you Still Water).

Original state


I started with fixing the basecoats. All over the body, it looks like the silver was either painted very conservatively, or painted first and everything else splodged over. I fixed the silver basecoat.

Next, apply some painting tips to start the glow up:

Next, some fine highlights on the blue skirts (Heavy Blue) and on the blue/grey scales (Cold Grey).

Then do the shields and banner. I initially wanted to leave that superb blue gradient alone, but there was a lot of silver splodged over, so I corrected that and also did highlights using Magic Blue. I repainted all the white areas.


They're from the Riverlands so prepare some puddles.

Woodland base with Heavy Charcoal rims and markers.

Finish off the base with water effects in the puddles. Mix in some plants for added detail.


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