
Monday, May 20, 2024

A Song of Ice and Fire: Starks vs Bolton Neutrals, 07.05.2024

We did a game tournament-style, with 2 lists prepared. I wanted to try my horde Starks, with 3 dire wolves and a bunch of infantry units. I went up against an elite Bolton-led neutral list.

I was immediately shocked by the power of Golden Company Crossbowmen, lead by Mr. Jokin. With all the other units around, they shoot out a lot of bolts, and if they manage to attack twice per turn, and also fire their overwatch twice per turn with the help of cards, they can effectively create a no-go zone in the middle. 

It also helped that I rolled 4x 1" charges, failing a close one with my Karstark Loyalists. They were immediately obliterated. See the large hole on my right flank.

I did some fancy maneuvering and wedged Grey Wind right in-between the Bolton cavalry and a palisade. Shaggydog then entered the game from reserves. He made the charge, but of course rolled a 1" charge and thus without rerolls did 0 damage.

Already in a point deficit, I sent up my middle to swarm the crossbowmen. More 1" charges. Both Summer and my Commander's unit of Stark Sworn Swords immediately died.

Grey Wind died to a free attack, then a free retreat sealed Shaggydog's fate. I conceded.

So the list isn't bad in itself, the idea is fine, I think. However, the matchup was very bad. Had it been a scenario with 5 objectives, my swarm of little units could have outscored the lumbering heavy infantry. However, we played A Dance with Dragons, and I had no choice but to face them in the field.

I also understood the theory of Jokin's crossbow unit, but seeing them used was a different matter. Avoid the middle like the plague!

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