
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Painting the Contorted Epitome

Start with the Daemonette paintscheme - the more complex one, as this is a character. I have the same gripe with the light cloth color, but there's less fabric here, so whatever. I saw something similar to this mirror I don't remember where - but the idea stuck. The Mirror of Erised slaaneshi edition.

Paint everything but the mirror

Paint the mirror

And also a big yellow gem in the middle to contrast with the purple.

I knew I wanted a green portal, to depart from the purply colors already on the mini. I first layered it Militarum Green, but disliked the pale green. I went over with Striking Scorpion Green, but deemed it too vibrant. Two diluted layers of Ork Flesh did the trick.

Outline the lady trapped in the portal using Heavy Skintone. Then fill her in.

Layer Elf Skintone, leaving a small contour all around.

Wet blend Heavy Skintone and Elf Skintone to simulate some shadows.

Dark Fleshtone details.

Scarlet Red hair, lips and eyes. I purposely exaggerated the eyes, giving her a demonic appearance.

Highlight the hair Gory Red, then Bloody Red.

Then for some blur effects on the portal. A first layer of Waywatcher Green did almost nothing, so I stippled on diluted Ork Flesh.

I wanted to better cover up the face and hands. Diluted Dark Angels Green around the hands and face, then some more diluted Aeldari Emerald for a larger halo effect.


Woodland base. I started a Simplified wasteland on the rocks, but they're so hidden underneath the coils that I stopped after the washes.


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