Thursday, July 4, 2024

Painting Contrast Daemonettes

Along/after the simple daemonettes, here's a slightly more complicated but still mostly Contrast-paint based color scheme for slaaneshi daemon skin. I've used this previously but never documented it properly. Thank the Warhipster for this video - I made slight changes and of course translated to Vallejo colors for highlights. 

Painting basecoats

Prime Grey Seer.

Paint the eyes, mouth, spikes, claws and the ends of the claw hands Black Templar. In case of any heralds with complex claw hands, also paint the claw coverings.

If the mini has any leather details (or whatever you want to interpret as leather), also paint now.

Paint the armor Leadbelcher. I decided to interpret the corsets as metal.

Dilute Shyish Purple 1:6 and go over the skin, armor and black details. For Daemonettes, this is everything except the hair and cloth.

Paint the hair Magos Purple. Also coat the claw hands, and the legs up to the knees.

Paint any cloth 2:1 Apothecary White/Magos Purple mix. This is just this tip.

Coat the claw hands 2:1 diluted Black Templar.

Painting highlights

Highlight the cloth 4:4:1 Off White, Stonewall Grey, Heavy Violet.

Layer the skin with the same mix.

Highlight the skin 2:1 Off White + Stonewall Grey.

Highlight the hair Reaper Breast Cancer Pink.

Highlight the armor Silver.

If the mini has any black leather details, highlight Cold Grey.


Woodland base. 


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