Monday, July 15, 2024

Free Folk vs Baratheons, 06.07.2024

For the first game, I was still well rested, hence the loads of pictures. I was facing the Baratheons, something I've never seen before on the table. But I assumed that their elite build would play similarly to my eternal opponents, the Lannisters, and spread out accordingly to take as many objectives as I could.

We danced around for the first couple of turns, with nothing happening. Then the Spearwives outflanked unto the table, and battle was on.

I managed to hold out, frantically healing all my infantry units and not letting the Baratheons stand on the objectives, including the middle.

At the end of round 3, we still hadn't lost any units (except my boar, who died well).

On turn 4, I moved in on the left, charging the Thenns into the beleaguered Queen's men, pincering them in with the Spearwives - who could then retreat and hold the objective.

The Baratheon lone rider charged into my Trappers, hoping to sweep them off, but they held surprisingly well, and even inflicted a wound (3 attacks on 5+, saving on 2+).

The Queen's men revived two times, I think, but they finally relented and died.

With the left flank secure (the archers retreated, but the objectives were securely mine), I piled in the middle. The King's men died but revived, while also killing my Raiders. Endless Horde!

In a surprise final twist, the fresh Raiders made their 5+ charge, caught the Dragonstone Noble in the flank, and killed him.

Reaching 10 points for me, the game ended there.

I think I won due to the extremely elite nature of the Baratheon list. They held out, and they healed, and they revived, but they couldn't hold objectives. But there were also lucky moments when rolling dice, with the Trappers taking 2 wounds off the lone Noble, and me not failing any panic checks (I think?) all through the game. Skinchangers are great for this, but still.

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