Thursday, July 25, 2024

Painting Lannister characters (and attachments)

Yet another batch of Lannister stuff to paint, in various stages.

Common parts

These already account for the Guard Captain, Assault Veteran, dismounted Mountain, and Cersei holding Tommen.

High Sparrow glow-up 

Some advanced work already done on this guy, he even has eyes.

I just highlighted the robes, ropes, hair and beard.


I had two separate sculpts of the Mountain. The client requested dark colors for the horses so I did them same as the Knights of Casterly Rock. For the Clegane Butcher, I experimented with a light yellowy horse.

Basecoat Heavy Brown.

Mix in Heavy Goldbrown for the highlights.

Edge highlight Khaki.

Overall coat Aggaros Dunes.

Basecoat the mane and tail Zandri Dust (Paint mix chart).

Drybrush Bonewhite.

Wash Agrax Earthshade.

Drybrush the topmost areas with Bonewhite.

Black Legion eyes.


One maimed Jaime half-painted as usual. One kneeling maimed Jaime from scratch (spray Wraithbone).

Both get the faded red cloak. I highlighted the browns on the left any way I could, while applying Light leatherFilthy cloth and Warm white cloth on the right.


Lannister base: orange rock/sand and greenery.


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