Thursday, July 4, 2024

Painting simple Daemonettes

As I've been diving back into Age of Sigmar with Slaanesh, I decided on experimenting with Daemonette skin. I had some WarhammerTV videos saved from back when, but I couldn't stomach the idea of basecoating/layering/edge highlighting a horde of lesser demons. I randomly found this awesome tutorial, and decided to expand on it. I also found some white primed daemonettes in the closet. They were an eBay find primed black, as they are badly assembled and not properly cleaned beneath the primer. I just sprayed over white.


I primed these white before looking at the tutorial, but it works as well as Grey Seer.

Basecoat the metallic bracers Chainmail Silver. I decided not to do the leg armor and what not.

Paint over the skin and silver Druchii Violet. If you take care and don't let it pool, it applies as smooth as Contrast.

Paint the hair Magos Purple.

Clothing (leather?) and claws Black Templar.

Then go over again, with a smaller brush this time, to paint the chokers, jewels, hair ornaments.

Paint over everything except the hair, Nuln Oil. I am unsure if the new formulation of Nuln Oil, which is a lot softer and more Contrast-like, is better or worse.

This is the tricky part: very soft drybrush Grey Seer across the hair and black parts (cloth and claws). If the drybrush is soft enough (I got in on second try) and you don't leave streaks, the whole thing looks surprisingly OK.

Finally, highlight the skin using Slaanesh Grey (2:1 Stonewall Grey + Heavy Violet).


Woodland base. 


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