
Thursday, August 22, 2024

Painting a Heldrake in Word Bearers colors

I got this guy in 2021 as payment for painting The Triumph of Saint Katherine, partially assembled and primed.

Painting the body and assembly (yes, in that order)

For some reason, the model was partially assembled, and some parts were primed black. I continued the assembly to get some reasonable subassemblies: head, neck, body, arms, 4 wings, back legs. I then pinned the subassemblies (where needed) and primed whatever was not primed black, then Leadbelcher. Then paint as previously.

Low budget glow effects using Scorpion Green by painting over, then smudging by hand.

Paint everything, including the runes, in subassemblies, then start assembling.

Two more items are the bone colored spine and a Contrast-powered exhaust glow.

Final assembly was rough, as the wings are huge and heavy. I decided on tying up the guy with rubber bands overnight.


I originally glued in the flying stand, then realized transport would be much easier in two pieces. Also it fits pretty snugly so gameplay should not be affected. I ripped it out before the glue completely cured, and scraped off molten bits. Once the Heldrake was cured and assembled, I dry fit back the stand, and dry fit to the base. Take out the stand and glue to the base.

Injured space marine

I haven't painted an Imperial Fist in a while, so here goes. I had this half of a space marine captain in the bits box. I ripped off his arms and glued them back again, making sure that he's a better fit in a crawling position.

I chopped off and ripped up his cloak.

I then painted him as a much simplified version of Captain Zsombicus.

Base (again)

Glue on some sci fi terrain junk, as well as the usual urban ruin themed pieces and the injured space marine. Fill out with terrain paste, then paint cobblestone.

Also paint the marble statue fragment and the Rusty crate. I decided on additional weathering for the space marine, with some Dark Flesh sponging and then highlight with a lighter color.

Paint the rim and varnish the miniature.

Gore up the space marine

First create the structure of the gore using UV resin. This material is the stuff of wonders. Barely visible due to transparency.

Coat Blood Angels Red. I also stippled/dragged the brush along for those drag marks. It looked quite nice but the color quickly dulled down.

So I coated everything Carroburg Crimson, also adding more drag marks for variety. Darkened down, but also dulled down, again, as acrylics tend to do.

Finally, I brushed Blood for the Blood God! on the highpoints, achieving the glossy dark red I was aiming for. Although I think the color progression was a good idea to cover up the transparent resin.


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