
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Converting and painting a Khorne Rhino

My first work in a string of Chaos touch ups and conversions: a Khorne-themed Chaos Rhino.


This is how I got the Rhino second hand. It's pretty decked out with spikes and Chaos Warriors shields, but the pintle mount is broken off and it has no additional guns. Time to bring it up to speed.

I originally thought about simple magnetized points, but then decided what the heck, and instead made a guy living his best life, shooting a missile launcher in one hand and a combi weapon in the other.

There's also a storm bolter assembled to replace the broken pintle mount.

With some superglue, plastic glue and a bit of green stuff filling, the crewman is assembled. That 30k missile launcher looks snazzy, and I added a Chaos Warrior head for giggles. Note the shaved chest aquila.

I spent some time thinking on how to place the guy so that he looks OK and also can be removed. I decided on gluing a piece of plasticard over the benches in the Rhino, with a magnet glued underneath. The marine is still too short to function, so I pinned him to a 3d printed crate and drilled a magnet to the underside.

Living his best crate-life. I glued the two parts of the top hatch, so if he needs to be taken out, I can just place the hatch over the hole.


I experimented with World Eaters colors using sprays and Contrast. Prime Black, then Leadbelcher. Paint the Brass trim.

Then fill in the armor panels Blood Angels Red. This took me pretty far along. Some additional details: Black Templar soft joints and gun casings, Waystone Green eyes and lenses, Gryph Hound Orange smoke launcher grenade tips, Snakebite Leather shells and exhaust pipes.

The red looks pretty boring, but the Word Eaters aren't known for their calligraphy, unlike the Word Bearers. However, they are big on praising Khorne, so let's do that. I also aimed to simulate a sloppy paintjob with the white paint applied haphazardly and flowing down.

Somebody got carried away while painting on "BLOOD".

Finally, I pulled out the wet palette for some additional details: 

Finish off by weathering the hull and the tracks. Add black pigment around the exhaust.


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