
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Storm King's Thunder

After a couple of my players tested their skill in DMing, the responsibility of propelling the story forward got back to me. Would I have the time to construct an adventure from nothing? Fortunately, we did not have to find out, as one particularly enthused player bought an off-the-shelf adventure: Storm King's Thunder. Now all I had to do was stitch together all our previous adventures...

Main setting

The adventure takes place in the Forgotten Realms setting. Now, granted, I could have rewritten everything.. but I saw no point. Upon scanning the continent map, I found the perfect spot where the Zarek valley, Wychwood and the temple would be situated. Well, almost perfect, given the climate, but we'll gloss over that. Conveniently, all 3 home-brewed adventures took place in a generic fantasy setting, so placing them in Faerun did not present any more difficulties.

And so, the world is no longer "the" Forgotten Realms... it is "our" Forgotten Realms!

Adventurer backgrounds

Fortunately, I am somewhat familiar with the Forgotten Realms (at least the parts pictured), having played a lot of Neverwinter Nights 2 and having read a lot of R. A. Salvatore's books. Again, the PCs all had fairly generic backgrounds and I had no difficulty placing their origins in the setting. Except maybe the Dragonborn... but nothing a bit of blend between 4E's "points of light" setting and the Forgotten Realms did not solve. It's not like the PCs will ever delve into ancient history. Right? RIGHT?

Campaign adjustments

The introductory part of the campaign needed a bit of fiddling. I did not want to leave the PCs unanchored in the world (even if the Zarek valley campaign ended with cities asking for help against the giants' invading). To refresh the players' memory, as well as showing them the devastation the giants brought into the realm of men, I condensed the story parts of the introduction (levels 1-5) into just a couple of sessions. I left most fighting out, and made the remaining fights tough enough to present a challenge.

Some directions and distances also needed adjusting, as the campaign assumes the PCs going up the road from south, whereas my party was travelling east to west, but that was also easily done away with.

Blog posts

Having learned from the 4E game (where I had no way of remembering what went on during the sessions after a year or so), I had one player take notes even during the Zarek valley campaign. He was supposed to write the articles from the players' perspective (as I had for the two short intermissions)... alas, he did not. But we were blessed with another adventurous soul who dared take on the other guy's notes and produce the following articles. I merely did the editing, spellcheck and added notes to provide context or DM insight.


Finally, the PCs:

  • Groin, dwarf life cleric (the journalist!)
  • Ireth, wood elf druid of the land
  • Ren, kor monk (the scribe!)
  • Selene, half-elf wild magic sorceress
  • Solid, dragonborn paladin
  • Szivem, human draconic sorceress
  • Tari, wood elf ranger


  1. Arrival in Nightstone
  2. Trolls and magic doors
  3. Adventures in The Flying Castle
  4. A Dwarf, a Kor and a Lizard enter the bar a.k.a. the Fight at Bryn Shander
  5. We Love Side Quests
  6. Fire and Ice
  7. Defenders of Icewind Dale
  8. The longest combat encounter ever
  9. We do not trust teleportation rings
  10. Hide and Seek with Rautza
  11. Happy, Ugly Birthday Selene!!!
  12. Just a little D&D
  13. Fireball at 150ft
  14. Slay the RED DRAGON!!!
  15. Actual progress in finding the artifact
  16. Achievement unlocked
  17. What quest to do next???
  18. We love side quest even more...
  19. All Elements unleashed: Storm, Thunder, Fire and Earth
  20. Triboar in ruins
  21. Selene with 3 men in the bathroom & Ireth will find the way
  22. GUHHHH
  23. First time in Hekaton’s Palace
  24. Erős Pista face POC la capul tau
  25. Casino Royale
  26. The Dwarven treasure
  27. Release the Kraken
  28. We did things
  29. Above the Eagle's Nest
  30. Rest is overrated
  31. Items or Bodies, the BIG question?
  32. We saw Death with our own eyes!!!
  33. RIP Mouse!!!
  34. Muuuuu!!!
  35. TBD

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