
Monday, March 2, 2020

Warhammer 40k Escalation League 500 pts event

The first phase of the Escalation League came to an end with a small event - a 500 points tournament.

Unfortunately, we were 5 in total, so the TO could not participate. The genestealers had to sit this one out.

My Daemons of Khorne presented the largest model count army.

Adepta Sororitas.

Thousand Sons.

Space Wolves.

With exactly 3 games planned, and 4 players, everyone played everyone.
Long story short, I came up last. 

I had initially tested two lists, but deemed the Bloodthirster too strong for 500 points. Of course, I underestimated the hard way the game skews into shooting, and my lack of experience in this brand new meta. I'm not going to pull any punches next time.

Scoring was a surprise, in that it was models killed, not units. My glasscannon Bloodletters kill but are killed in return, making for potentially fun and close games, but which do not give me the points advantage. I'll have to think of something else, and study the missions more closely.

I was also surprised (in a bad way) by two "gotcha moments" against armies I am not overly familiar with. I will make sure to ask about every flaming detail before I make my charges next time.

At least I got to split the prize for "best painted army". The playing field wasn't very solid, with the Thousand Sons and Space Wolves only partially painted. My Daemons were incomplete (with 20 Bloodletters still in progress being repainted and rebased). The Sisters were all painted to a tabletop standard. But hey - I won a pot of Mordant Earth, so more lava bases incoming!

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