
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Painting Flesh-Eater Courts Ghouls


Ages ago, I traded my Mantic Zombies for these guys. I found a Warhammer TV tutorial for them, so time to try out painting horrible white skin. To be honest, it does not look that good as far as the paintjob goes, but it does look horrible (in a good way), so I'm happy with the end result.



Painting the skin

Basecoat Rakarth Flesh.

Apply Carroburg Crimson on the hands, in the eyes and mouth, and around all the scars.

Highlight Dead White.

Other details: Contrast

Skeleton Horde on the bones, Basilicanum Grey on the fur/spikes/clothes? I don't even know which is which.

Do bones scheme on the skeletons, skulls and bones. At the same time, put Nuln Oil at the base of the fur/spikes to darken them down, then include this into the Bonewhite drybrush.

Wyldwood wood and Snakebite Leather straps. I initially wanted to do the according painting tips, but these details are small and quite groovy (hehe), so the Contrast paints do their job well.

Plaguebearer Flesh on the hanging slime.

Blood Angels Red on the meat.


I did not want some happy woodland base for these cannibalistic scavengers, and looked instead at the wasteland base. However, I wanted to test out how Contrast paints behaved when applied directly on cork with no undercoat.

Left to right: Wyldwood, Cygor Brown, Snakebite Leather, Gore-Grunta Fur.

The two lighter ones looked funny, so I darkened down the ground level with Wyldwood. I also did Nuln Oil across all 4 on the ground level.

Then I did the drybrushes and I was actually happier with the darker ones on the left. But at this point, I just did dark earth. So nothing to come out of this experiment, as of yet.

Black rim on the bases, spray varnish, and done.

After effects

I mean, almost done. Nurgle's Rot on the dripping vomit/saliva/venom. Blood for the Blood God! on the raw meat.


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