
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Painting Rubric Marines in a Heresy-era color scheme

This unit of 10-man flamer-equipped Rubric Marines should be useful as auxiliaries to the Word Bearers. Just in case I'll ever start a Thousand Sons army, I want to set them apart from the usual blue/gold guys. And so I decided to paint them in Heresy-era red/gold. Incidentally, this is also an easy, drybrush and Contrast based color scheme.

Paint the red/gold armor

Prime Retributor Armor. So either I did something wrong, or this spray is a poor primer, but the coverage was pretty bad even after several coats and there are lots of grey spaces behind the gun and backpack.

Then follow the gold painting, but apply all the highlights by drybrushing.

Finally, fill in the armor panels using Blood Angels Red.

Painting with Contrast

Do some more heavy lifting with Contrast paints. I painted the alternating lines in the headgear with Nazdreg Yellow; this covers up the gold pretty nicely. Then Black Templar on the joints/cables/exhausts.

I wanted the runic inlay of the flamers to be something contrasting (hue hue). I tried (left to right) Ork Flesh, Terradon Turqoise, Talassar Blue, Akhelian Green.

The winner: Talassar Blue.

Painting more details

Warm white cloth and an eye  in the sorcerer's hand.

Ghostly flames.

Paint any gems Silver, then Waystone Green.

Serrated Sun icon and flame icon (which is the Word Bearers icon without the daemon head) on the shoulderpads.


Marble for the statue fragments, cobblestone colors for the mulched up ruins in between.


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