
Thursday, October 27, 2022

Painting a Venomcrawler

The final element of the Shadowspear set to be painted without any major changes.


Assemble with a LED light in it. Spray Chaos Black. Mask off the base. Spray Leadbelcher. 


Paint Word Bearers.

Apply some painting tips:

Draw inspiration from previous Word Bearers to paint the tongues (Wraithbone, Ork Flesh), the crate (Militarum Green over silver), the manhole cover (Gore Grunta Fur over silver).

Overall, while the model is detailed, it doesn't have too many kinds of details, which makes it fun to paint.

Exhaust smoke and muzzle flash

Exhaust smoke same as the missile launcher. I wanted the muzzle flash to look different, so I made it using foam instead of cotton wool. Start by pinning.

Cut a piece of packaging foam (sponge) into a roughly conical shape.

Superglue it on.

Dilute Sun Yellow and paint around the muzzle.

Orange Fire is next, then Stonewall Grey around the end. Let them blend a bit but not too much, and let a bit of the original dark grey to see through.


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