
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Painting an elven prince on gryphon

Another $2 eBay find. Already assembled, half primed, some mould lines to be removed etc. Time to paint this bad boy, just for fun.

Paint the base

Easy peasy, marble squeezy. I masked the flying base (already glued in) so I could just spray the whole thing Wraithbone.

Paint the miniature

I sprayed it yellow (I think some years ago when GW still had their yellow spray). However some parts are metallic... I have no idea what I did here.

Anyway, paint the feathery part like this. The legs are scaly, so I washed Agrax Earthshade, then drybrushed Heavy Goldbrown. Sun Yellow highlights on the feet.

Talons, eyes (with a Lamenters Yellow finish), mouth. Eagle beak like this.

I have no idea what shade of gold the armor is originally painted, but I liked the pale aspect of it, so I tried something similar. Basecoat Polished Gold, then wash Reikland Fleshshade Gloss. Keep it light, as possible.

Layer Polished Gold, leaving the shade in the recesses only.

Highlight with a mix of Polished Gold and Silver. Barely visible in the pictures.

Edge highlight Silver.

For the blue cloth, I started with a basecoat of 1:1 Heavy Blue and Night Blue.

Layer Ultramarine Blue.

Mix Black into the original mix and line the shadows.

Mix Electric Blue into the original mix for edge highlights.

By the time I got to the banner, I lost patience with the model. Basecoat Dead White, Apothecary White, highlight Dead White. Same with the helmet wings.

Draw the rune Talassar Blue, then lowlight with another layer.

Face and wood. Do the gems with Silver and Blood for the Blood God!


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