
Monday, December 12, 2022

Painting a giant beastman huntress

Winter is coming! Literally, but that is also the theme of the following local painting competition. I decided on painting up something new, and finally picked this miniature from the 'pile of potential'. She may or may not play an ascended huntress somewhere in the far future in a certain D&D campaign.


This is the figure in box, just a two piece metal miniature. The hands actually snapped in place, so I decided to forgo pinning.

Assemble and glue into the provided slotted base, as it is a big, heavy metal miniature, and I did not want to risk just gluing it unto cork and having it fall off. However, I also want custom basing stuff, so I chopped off part of the square base. Its only function is to keep the mini steady.

Prepare the circuit for the LED-lighted base.

Cut out the inside of the base. The small hole is where the switch sticks out, the large hole is for changing the battery if needed. Build up the sides using cork. Leave a small spot for a LED where the waterfall will be.

Seal the cork using diluted PVA glue. However, there are still small openings all around. I slathered the insides using Vallejo Heavy Gel.

I prepared the top layer separately. I carved out a basin to place the plastic base, so it wouldn't stand out too much. I also drilled a hole for a LED and carved the bed of the stream towards the waterfall.

Glue in the switch. This is the one component that absolutely has to stay in place. I fixed it using superglue, then placed two rolls of green stuff to hold down the ends, then superglued again in the morning.

Glue the top level of the base using UHU. This required tying down due to some internal pressure. Nothing broke! After that, the side LED can also be glued in using Vallejo Heavy Gel (to avoid fogging).

Fill out the base. Stirland Battlemire on the ground, and Mordant Earth where some broken ice will go.


Prime Wraithbone. Paint the fur.

Now go for some painting tips for the remaining details:

Paint the nose Black Templar.

Lord of the Rings reference on  the scrolls.


Rugged wasteland base for starters.

Then paint the cracked part Dead White.

Coat it (and the river bed) Frostheart.

Heavy drybrush Dead White.

Start adding Vallejo Still Water. I dammed the riverbed using white tac. Do this in several layers. I still rushed it a bit and got it all white and creamy in the end.

Superglue plastic strips (cut out from a blister) for the waterfall.

Yep, white.

Also superglue fogging, but I'll cover that up immediately.

Use Vallejo Heavy Gel to glue on some foam. See here.

Apparently I assembled the base incorrectly and the LED was a bit off. I had to add more foam.

After drying, I added more splashes of Heavy Gel to mask the plastic strips.

Once everything is done and dried, add snow all across the base. Flow over the ice. Add it on the sides.

Final light check before submitting the miniature.


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