
Monday, December 26, 2022

Painting a red dragon

One of 4 giant monsters for this fall MAGUS commission. From Reaper's latest Kickstarter.

Here's for the next commission dragon inspired by its Heroes 3 counterpart.


As this is a Reaper Bones miniature, I primed it in Munitorum Varnish, then Mephiston Red.


Start by bathing the body in Carroburg Crimson.

I first drybrushed the body using Bloody Red, but it was not visible at all. I stepped up to Hot Orange, then Orange Fire, for some pretty sweet results.

That should be all for the red scales. For the dark yellow belly, I started with a Heavy Goldbrown basecoat. Wash Agrax Earthshade, then diluted Heavy Goldbrown using Vallejo Glaze Medium and glaze some chip highlights.

Edge highlight the belly scales using Sun Yellow. Drag it along the raised ridges as well.

To complete the Heroes 3 look, carry on with purple wings (inspired by this). Basecoat Heavy Violet.

Wash Druchii Violet, then highlight with Heavy Violet.

Mix in Dead White twice for more line highlights.

Also paint the mouth and eyes. Add a layer of Lamenters Yellow for a predatory look.

Finish the body with the bone details.

At this point spray the dragon using Munitorum Varnish, then paint the base. I originally thought of a brown scale earth type base, but black would contrast much better with the red. So I did the cobblestone color scheme instead. Also a silver shield and a wooden lance.


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