
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Painting Legolas (and Legorlas)

I painted these 3 Legolas miniatures along with the hobbits, but I did paint one as my D&D character Legorlas


The camo green of the Gondor Ranger was... not what I wanted, so I rather did slapchop green as for the hobbits (link above), in order to keep as close as possible to movie-Legolas.

Tanned skin

Forgotten Realms wood elves are described as having "copper skin", so I imagined a sort of Native American skin tone. I basecoated Tan and washed Reikland Fleshshade.

The wash barely darkens the color, and Tan highlights are invisible. So I mixed in 1:1 Heavy Skintone for highlights.

Superhighlight Heavy Skintone.

Other details


Woodland base. 


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