
Thursday, March 21, 2024

Painting Skinchanger animals

Commission painting 2 sets of the beasties from ASOIAF.

Painting wolves 

They were primed white, so Brown fur was a natural pick. Paint eyes and go over with Lamenter's Yellow. Black Templar noses. Diluted Basilicanum Grey around the mouth and inside ears.

Simplified wasteland rock.

Painting eagles

Follow these steps but add yellow eyes. Dark wood.

Painting a polar bear

Finally, something original. I tried going based on the Warm white color scheme with three layers of diluted Seraphim Sepia, but then saw that polar bears are actually yellow, not brown, on their bellies.

So I mixed Lamenter's Yellow into the final application.

Overall drybrush Off White.

Drybrush Dead White across the spine and face.

Paint the details: Black Templar eyes and nose,  Volupus Pink inside mouth. Agrax Earthshade claws and teeth. Highlight the teeth Bonewhite.

Dark leather strap with Tinny Tin buttons.

Painting a brown bear

Follow the Kodiak bears.

Black leather straps with Chainmail Silver buttons.


Ice bases. 


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