
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Painting Free Folk attachments and characters

Along with the Raiders, I got a bunch of characters to paint as well.

Original state


For the common parts, follow along with the Raiders but do an extra layer of highlights. Bonewhite on the green and yellow. I also changed up the oranges, with the original highlight Hot Orange, then Heavy Orange.

Apply the same painting tips and final detailing. Blond hair. The Raid Leader is now done.

A couple more types of details: Light leatherBonescrolls to finish the warrior dudes: Borroq, Styr, Jarl.

Lady Dalla

Original state. I devoted a bit more attention to her, given her different colors.

I first completed the coat, by smoothing it out with Gore Grunta Fur. Then highlight Heavy Orange, Orange Fire. The pants, which are a small, easy to miss detail, got coats of Ratling Grime, then Gore Grunta Fur. In line with the dark reddish color on her card.

Then round it out with some painting tips as for the men, but also white fur trim. Use Soulblight Grey for an especially smooth look.

Borroq's boar

I looked up pictures of wild boars and apparently they are a sort of desaturated dark brown. For visual interest, I decided on a light-to-dark transition (sunshine to mud).

First to smooth out the colors. Apply a coat of diluted Garaghak's Sewer.

Their nose is a warm grey, so basecoat Guilliman Flesh.

Coat the lower half with a diluted mix of Basilicanum Grey and the Garaghak's Sewer.

Coat the mane Basilicanum Grey. Also the nose.

Black Legion hooves. Also the eyes.

Drybrush the light brown section, the upper edge of the darker section, as well as the mane, Khaki. Then a bit of Bonewhite.

Then paint the tusks bone.


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