
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Painting Free Folk Raiders

Continuing with the ASOIAF commisions, switching from the Lannisters to the Free Folk. The client basecoats them roughly the same, so I tried to codify my methods here.

Original state

Except I already applied the terrain paste and painted it white. Probably best, so I won't slop too much over their boots later.


Identify any brown fur areas (such as on their overcoat here) and do Brown fur cloak. At the final step, do the Bonewhite drybrush all over the minis. It came out a bit more aggressive than I would have liked on this specific dude, but whatever

I then selected three large areas for some Contrast based goodness. Militarum Green over any green, Gore Grunta Fur over any orange browns, and Snakebite Leather over any yellowy browns.

Then highlight the green Dead Flesh, the yellow Filthy Brown, and the orange Orange Fire.

With the custom stuff done, apply some good old:

The bone was almost OK after the drybrush but kind of rough, so I went over with Seraphim Sepia. Various Contrast paints for the facial hair. Furry trims look just fine.



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