Monday, September 14, 2015

Slacking, DnD and painting WoW miniatures

I've been pretty much a slacker lately, as far as blog posts go. After solving some real life issues, I got back into DnD (I just forgot to take pictures), so I didn't even have any Warhammer batreps to post. However, my adventurers have gone further than any other group, so we'll soon have enough material for a group presentation. I've also got back into another RPG (which I'll talk about later). This is especially important since I participate as a player, not the DM! Lastly, I did some miniature painting, but didn't finish anything. I have a group of Chaos Marines halfway painted in a Word Bearers color scheme; I also partially painted up some miniatures from World of Warcraft: the Board Game to use in our DnD sessions. This last weekend was somewhat quieter now, and I had a chance to spend more time painting. I still have some finishing touches to do (the difficulties of working on multiple projects in parallel!), but this is what I'll post about in the coming days.

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