Monday, July 1, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Teleported!

Last time, I had set up a pretty good twist (or at least I'd like to think so). The goblins led the adventurers down to the next level, where they were greeted by Fire Giants sworn to Myrkul building a giant mecha-Halaster. The goblins gave over the ring, and the Fire Giant boss lady was excited to have control of the robots, possibly to speed up the construction process. I fully expected the party to battle the giants because Myrkul is our long-running mover/shaker of all evil in the realms. Instead, they... ran away. Sigh.

We continued a bit chaotically through the next level, known as the Obstacle Course. First things first, Brienne fell into a pit filled up with a Gelatinous Cube, and then the adventurers were teleported all over the place. After some transitions...

Brienne landed near the statue of a dwarf god which tried to smash her.

Antrius appeared above a river of lava, saving himself with a combo of feather fall/thunder step to move into an adjacent room.

Szivem is sitting worriedly in a room with a giant fireplace and toad statue, with all her magic items having disappeared into a pit.

Groin is sitting in an empty corridor.

Tari is sitting in an empty room.

And nobody is paying attention.

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