Monday, July 1, 2024

June review and July goals

June's gone and lots happened.

D&D went down the drain, even the ever faithful Dungeon of the Mad Mage campaign. I grew tired of lack of interest and punctuality. We are doing boardgames now instead, and I think a break will do us good.

The Golden Vault campaign is also on hold, and we started to play Call of Cthulhu 7E instead. It's terrific, I love it, hoping that my character survives the intro adventure. I will start publishing that soon as well.

Wargames went along nicely, though this is 40k and ASOIAF only. Nobody seems to want to play AoS with the new edition looming, and I forgot about the 1500 points local event last weekend. Alas, not much lost, I think. An ASOIAF tournament is coming along, which I'll attend for fun. Free Folk infantry hordes are quite enjoyable to play.

Hobby wise, I'm done with another batch of ASOIAF commissions, Free Folk this time. I'm also nearing completion with a squad or two of Chaos Marines - something new to try out during the next game. I'm just a couple squads away to accomplishing my yearly goal - in July!

But the biggest news is a rudimentary mastery over my airbrush. Whether a fluke or just accumulated experience, but I finally got it working almost as well as I hoped for priming and varnishing. I'm still mulling over whether I should pause painting and do mass priming instead, in preparation for the literal rainy days when spraying won't work.


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