Friday, December 16, 2016

Painting a thief


This is a "commission work" for a friend, the other MAGUS GM. However, unlike previous miniatures, it is not for our own gaming group, but a gift for a friend of his. Made by Otherworld Miniatures.


Prime in black.



I started off the same as for the assassin, as these guys have the same color scheme: black clothing and brown details. So basecoat in black and brown.

I had some extra bonewhite after painting other stuff, so I decided to throw it on the rope.

Black clothing

Same procedure as for the assassin; I even did them in parallel, using the same paint mixes.

Painting leather

Leather brown highlights on leathery areas: boots, backpack, straps.

Include the bags of loot.

Brown wash (Agrax Earthshade) on the boots. Again, this is the only area where I did this, to establish different tones of leather.

Other details

As for the assassin, I decided to give the man a white shirt. Well, white by medieval standards.

I also highlighted the bracers with ochre, for another different kind of leather.

I wasn't happy with the rope, so I threw on a heavy ochre drybrush.

Painting skin

Skintone base.

Fleshtone wash (Reikland Fleshshade). I also threw on the fleshtone wash on the scroll, to obtain a different bonewhite when compared to the shirt (which will get a sepia wash).

Other details

Metallic base: gunmetal blades, bronze handles, gold loot.

More washes

Sepia wash on the cloth (Seraphim Sepia).

Black wash on everything that wasn't washed or highlighted until now. Includes all metallic areas, the armor, the rope, the loot ...

... the backpack and the bags.


Bonewhite edge highlighting on the cloth and scroll. Notice the different look on them, thanks to the washes.

A second layer of leather brown highlights on the previously black washed surfaces. Picking out each little square of the armor really pops out the details.

Metallic highlights as usual: edge highlight the bronze and gold with the same color, double edge highlight (gunmetal and silver) the blade.

Just for fun, a red string ties the scroll.

Painting the face

This time, I wanted a paler face, so I edge highlighted the face with skintone.

Then throw on the base colors: white for the eyes, brown for hair and mustache.

Black wash.

Highlight the eyes.

Then paint the iris.


Same old cobblestones. Mutilate the base.

Glue on the cobblestones, with space for the remains of the base.

Apply green stuff underneath, then prime in black.

3 layers of successively lighter grey drybrushing.


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