Monday, June 17, 2024

Hedonites of Slaanesh vs Beasts of Chaos, 04.06.2024

I managed to arrange another game of Sigmar in preparation for the next phase of the escalation league; at least it was a short one. We upped the points to 1500 and played a game of Spring the Trap. My Hedonites faced a null deployment of Quakeherd.

Battle round 1

I took first turn, scored my 5 points for Magical Dominance, spread out unto the objectives.

Then suddenly... cows everywhere! And everything simply worked. Both Cygors threw their rocks with precision, then both a Gorgon and its Doombull boss made 9-10" charges to delete both my Fiends and my charioteer general.

Battle round 2

I was surrounded, but could have made a good comeback. However, the Beasts had the double turn.

The Enrapturess died to a single Cygor rock. The archers died down to a single man after being shot and charged. I inspired him, just in case.

I tried a battle tactic depending on an 8" rerollable charge but failed. 0 points.

The only unit that held and did its job was Sigvald. While not very killy when charged, he took a Ghorgon to the face and suffered a single wound.

Battle round 3

I was at a severe disadvantage, but maybe, maybe, with initiative, I could scrape something together.


With the Beasts again winning initiative, I conceded.


This was certainly an experience. At least it was a quick game.

Now, my list wasn't very well thought out; the driving force behind it was a will to try out all the new models I had painted since my last game. Everything felt useless, except of course my magnificent boy Sigvald. But then again, I was facing an unknown army with a knack for rolling 10" charges.

I'll come back, next time with more screens. However, I don't know how an army performs when 300-400 points of screens die in the first turn. Let's see...

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