Thursday, June 6, 2024

Converting and painting donkey cavalry/rough riders

3d printed nun donkey cavalry! I always liked how the models looked, but I did not want metal models with detachable spear arms. Now that they are 3d printable, I created my squad of Attilan Rough Riders.

Conversion and assembly

Only the goad lance needs converting. I cut up a nun lance, and replaced the end with a taser goad from a mechanicus infantry kit.

Assemble the squad. Note here that the arms don't have sockets. I had to cut them up at the joints, then use UV resin to fix them in place.

I don't have measurements for the original models, but they are surely taller, so I glued some roughed up cork on the oval base, then affixed the donkey legs using Vallejo Heavy Gel.

Finally, fill out any flat areas using terrain paste.


Start by painting the base cobblestone, as the drybrushes are the messiest part.

Then do the donkeys. I looked up some donkeys online, and they tend to be brown or grey. So I did Contrast basecoats: Garaghak Sewer, Basilicanum Grey, Black Tempar, diluted Black Legion, Ratling Grime. They came out way too light. Also Black Legion moves a bit towards brown when diluted. 

So I used the diluted Black Legion to go over the manes/backs of the donkeys. Then an overall, very light Stonewall Grey drybrush brings in highlights and greyish tones frequently seen on donkeys.

Finish the donkeys with a gradient of Basilicanum Grey/Black Templar on their noses, Black Legion eyes, and Skeleton Horde teeth. Paint the under/inside of their fur Soulblight Grey.

Then the nuns are just regular black-habit nuns. Glaze the weapons Guilliman Blue, then drop Nihilakh Oxide on the power nodes.


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