Thursday, June 18, 2020

Speed painting Bloodcrushers


The Coronavirus-related lockdown resulted in a sharp decrease in hobby time. With barely any progress, I decided on testing some shortcuts. Note that I don't have an airbrush, and my two criteria were: a) low effort invested b) result looking reasonably good. I am... OK with this.

Painting the Juggernauts

Spray Chaos Black, then Leadbelcher.

Apply Flesh Tearers Contrast paint on the red areas. I used a Citadel Medium Wash Brush, because speed.

Basecoat the armor trim with Brassy Brass. This was the most time consuming process of them all, but it was worth it.

Correct the silver areas using Gunmetal. This was just a quick pass with a no. 2 brush, to clean up the red slop.

At this point seal the job with a light spray of Munitorum Varnish. Not too much, so it won't kill the red.

Wash the silver with Nuln Oil Gloss. This is like the Agrax Earthshade of matte paints - liquid talent in a pot.
Wash the brass with Reikland Fleshshade Gloss. This isn't that good as the Nuln Oil for silver, but it's great for creating some separation around the bolts.

Finish the metalics with some subtle highlights. Edge the brass with Glorious Gold, edge the silver with Silver. Then dot about half the golden bolts with Silver.

Just some finishing touches remain!

Soulstone Blue on the eyes.

Ork Flesh Contrast in these recessed symbols.

Prepare this tassle with an Off White undercoat.

Akhelian Green Contrast paint.

One has a skull under a foot; the other a volcanic rock

Painting the Bloodletters

Prime Corax White.

Flesh Tearers Red Contrast for the skin.

At this point, I can give an honest opinion on this. I don't like it. Notice how around some of the bits and bobs, there's white? The paint retracted or something, and I had to go over the minis twice, after the first layer dried, to correct these spots. I don't know if the Grey Seer/Wraithbone spray would work better though.

Also, the one coat equals base, shade, highlight is BS. This is the equivalent of spraying Mephiston Red, then applying a coat of Carroburg Crimson. Still, this is speed painting, so I left it as is. I want to be able to do a comparison, when I can retrieve my other Bloodcrushers from the Guild Hall.

Black horns using Black Templar Contrast. One thick coat, then feather out the lower end for some nice looking fade.

Yes, this is the unit champion that I tested the purple lightning sword on. 

Basecoat the metalics in Brassy Brass and Gunmetal.

Basecoat the eyes and tongue in Dead White.

Then wash them: Cassandora Yellow and Hexwraith Flame.

Paint the bone. A few small well-made details make a whole lot of difference. Obviously, I took a shortcut on the teeth and claws by omitting the sepia step.

The tongues came out quite bland, so I applied a second wash of Biel-Tan Green.

At this point, apply a light coat of Munitorum Varnish.

Same washing and highlighting on the metalics as on the Juggernaut.


Lava. Do the painting while unattached, then the Mordant Earth with the miniatures already on.


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