Monday, May 27, 2024

A Song of Ice and Fire Miniatures Game Tournament

This event was a small 4-man affair. Still a great leap for me, as I had played but a handful of games before. Still, I quite enjoy the system, so I joined in. I was feeling a bit sick though, so it took some time to edit the pictures and write the battle reports. As such, they are dry and lack detail. Nevertheless, I enjoyed meeting and playing new people. 

As for the games themselves, I took an army that I had never played before due to some limitations. I still managed to roll over my first two opponents, but got stuck in a similarly elite list. Here's the list of games:

So, 3rd out of 4 isn't bad. 

The game is very nice, matches go by quickly and 3 games in a day is an achievable feat. Looking forward to the next one!

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