Thursday, May 23, 2024

LED streets light on the scout sentinel bases

I wanted to LED up the sentinels, but the miniature itself has no interior space to hide the circuitry. I decided to experiment with something new. I bought these ages ago when I started doing LEDs in miniatures. I decided to hide everything in between the basing material. Buckle up.

Adding the circuit to the base

Start by gluing on a small piece of cork. This is to house the switch, as it needs a bit of raised space.

Build the circuit and glue stuff on the base. I used Vallejo heavy gel in some places instead of super glue as it won't flow into spaces it shouldn't.

Looking back, I should have rotated the switches. The cabling takes up way too much real estate in the middle of the base.


Start by building a rough housing for the battery. I bought some sheets of plasticard but I seem to have misplaced them, so I cut up some old cards.

I glued these in place using UV resin. This stuff is marvelous. It won't flow where it shouldn't and will instantly harden under UV light and isn't brittle - unlike superglue

I then affixed a magnet for the 'doorway'. This is where I realized my mistake, as the battery cannot fully fit into the housing. Some of it will be visible. Oh well.

Build up the base using different elements. I fixed them in place using blobs of milliput. I also reinforced the battery housing all over.

More plasticard where needed. Set it on legs of milliput.

Leave it to cure, then continue plugging those gaps.

Magnetized gates

Glue magnets on pieces of plasticard to function as gates. They're not a perfect fit (as expected), but I added smaller pieces to close off the bigger gaps. Glue it using UV resin.

Dry fit the sentinels legs continuously while assembling. Plastic glue is our friend.

Note that legs are fantastic and posable in any which way.

At the same time add pieces of basing to the exterior of the gates - especially to cover up the magnets. Affix them using more milliput.

Finish the assembly

Plug any gaps using milliput. Check the gates are a good fix. Continously test the circuits.

Finally, glue on the cockpits. Make sure that the magnetized weapon mounts are accessible.

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