Monday, December 9, 2024

Free Folk vs Lannisters, 07.12.2024

First game against my old foes (although piloted by a new opponent), the Lannisters.

The first turn was pretty tame, with both of us sizing up each other, and me advancing the Thenns towards the middle.

Turn 2 saw the Mountain charge into my Savages, but I countered with the Mammoth.

The Lannister knights, afraid of the Bear Riders, danced around the table, ensuring me quickly scoring a bunch of points. I sent the Mammoth into the Crossbowmen to cause havoc and sell his life dearly, which he did, but a side charge by the Honor Guard sealed its fate.

The Thenns, having taken a bunch of debuffs, died to the Knights. 

The Savages died to crossbow fire and wounds taken from the castle walls. Fortunately, I had a unit of Raiders come in instead.

Nothing else actually happened, with the cavalry dancing around each other, and the Lannisters taking the middle. We ended turn 5 due to time constraints, with me winning a standard victory on points.

I think I owe my win to the fear factor caused by the bear cavalry and mammoth combo, although I don't see either of those units as game winning. I chose to stay back and score points instead of charging forwards, with the Lannisters choosing to kill my units instead. I managed to hold on and hold them back long enough to score points. That was about it. I dislike the Weeper as commander, the cards aren't that good and neither is his unit card.

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