Thursday, December 19, 2024

Painting Casterly Rock Honor Guard

Next up in the line of Lannister troops, a squad of Honor Guard. They were hastily primed and half painted to show some color for a tournament, and it shows. They were heavily overprimed, with some details obscured and large bubbles in the recesses. I tried my best to give them a nice paintjob.

Painting Neutral Heroes 3... plus a couple more

This month's batch of heroes to paint include the box of Neutral Heroes 3, plus a couple more, including two versions of Bronn. We agreed on brown rim for the neutral stuff, and woodland base for the westerosi people. As my client mainly plays Lannisters, and just cannot have crossbowmen without Bronn, I suggested to paint one neutral variant (with purple cloth) and one Lannister-aligned variant (red cloth, Lannister base). That's just fine, I can batch paint with Kevan Lannister. I half-painted his mini last time but he was taken away for a tournament. Time to finish everything.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Enter the Matrix

We ended the last session on a real low note, with everybody dead or unconscious. We began this session with an extra player. I asked her if she had any ideas to solve the situation while not being there. At her negative answer, she was lumped in with the rest of the party.

Who were all sitting around the Yawning Portal tavern, eating and drinking.

Wait, what?

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Into the giant worm

Picking up where we left off, the adventurers started their combat encounter against a gargantuan Neothelid. I was really stoked into doing stuff to them. But the first spell, cast by Antrius, was Otto's Irresistible Dance. And so the worm took an Ice Storm, a suped up Fireball, and a suped up Harm to the face before doing anything. Then it dodged through moonbeams, blights and more fireballs, with the bard successfully saving against a Feeblemind[1]. By the time Solid reached melee range, the worm was already in a bad spot. At least it got to swallow Antrius. And then Szivem. And then it died.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: The menacing doors

Awakening after their long rest, the adventurers promptly forgot about last session's telepathic conversations, and continued exploring the caverns. They met a colony of flumphs, who reluctantly asked them to slay the evil mind flayers.

The adventurers agreed, then promptly forgot again, and broke down the door leading to the githyanki rooms.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Painting giant gorillas (and a weregorilla)

I decided to paint up a giant gorilla as my D&D party adopted the polymorph trick - and apes are more intelligent than a T-rex. I discovered that I have two - so batch paint them both. And also a weregorilla, while we're here.

Painting wereboars

I decided to paint up my two wereboars along with Borroq's boar