Thursday, January 2, 2025

Painting a Fire Elemental

Made by Reaper Miniatures.

Painting commission animals

After the trolls and ogres, I decided on a final commission this year, and got these cutesy animals. I decided on experimenting. Some of them are Reaper minis, links included.

Painting The Edge: Dawnfall sinister miniatures using slapchop method

I joined the appropriate kickstarter for The Edge: Dawnfall as it had demon miniatures, and it seemed like a great idea for Warhammer. Then it was delayed, and I got my stuff somewhere else. Also the big guys  are not quite big enough for greater daemons. The smaller guys are included in weird numbers. Anyway, I shelved the idea (and the miniatures) for a long time. Then I stumbled upon them recently, and I thought, since I did not do slapchop in quite a while, let's put two and two together.

Note that the game seems dead, there is no wiki, no other info on what is what. Sadly, that's the fate of most (if not all) complex board games, no matter how much the producer promises a living game. Anyway, I'm just saying that I don't know what the darkness models are properly called.