Thursday, January 23, 2025

Painting a giant blacksmith

Time to pay off some commission debts while having fun with this Reaper giant. We established a human skintone, black armor, and lava around the base.


Bones being Bones, I primed the miniature black using an airbrush; then I sprayed light grey unto the flesh areas.

Basecoat the flesh Heavy Skintone. Then, basecoat the metal areas Leadbelcher. I tried to take care but I still splodged over here and there; fix with Heavy Skintone.

The original plan was just blackened silver, but there's way too much metal for that, so I decided to beak it up. Apply some washes/contrasts, in this order so as to cover any splodges with the darker paints:

  • Chains, blades and connectors get Nuln Oil as in metal
  • Talismans get Nazdreg Yellow
  • Textured areas get Snakebite Leather
  • Any plates get Black Templar in preparation for Dark metal

Then, work on the highlights. Finish the metallic paintings tips, then experiment on the colored metals. Surprisingly, even Brassy Brass is too dark and browny to be a highlight on Snakebite Leather, so I did Polished Gold, then Silver on both colored metallics. Finish the medium skintone, paint eyes and a  Black eyepatch. Blood on the blades. Base: cobblestone.

I experimented with white hair and bear: white basecoat, cover with diluted Apothecary White, then diluted Wolf Grey. Highlight Ghost Grey, then Dead White. It certainly is white; but not enough contrast for my tastes.

I also experimented on the loincloth. First a coat of Gore Grunta Fur, then Fyreslayer Flesh. The result is a surprisingly pleasant orangey brown. Given the deep texture, it doesn't even need a highlight.

For the final round of fun, I did lava on the base surrounding the cobblestones and applied the same gradient on the rune in the middle of the hammer.


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