Monday, January 20, 2025

Golden Vault: Dimensional train ride

Our goals ever escalate! We need to talk to some guy who knows the true names of 3 leaders of the Lower Planes. He is being transported on an interplanar train ride to be judged in Mechanus, the plane of lawfullness. And a modron called Glitch is helping us with info.

Suffice to say, he didn't help us with much info. except this wildly inaccurate map.

But he did supply us with tickets, a general description of the train, and a plane hopping amulet so we can actually get to a confluence dimension called Outland to board the train.

We boarded and started exploring the plane. The caboose was empty, containing only a maintenance shack and some recesses which we did not want to muck with at this point.

The train hopped into Acheron on its way. Not important in any way.

The next car contained some modrons eager to do maths, so we humored them with paradoxes and impossible questions, causing one of them to blow its head off. Messing with the giant whiteboard did nothing. At some point, Thaldohr realized that we can actually ask any question answered by a number. So I asked about the number of guards on the train. Two celestials and 15 modrons. Cool.

The train continued through Ysgard, as we explored a traincar filled with water to the brim. There was a statue of an angel, which I decided to flirt with. The statue did turn into flesh and blood, but the angel was in no mood for flirting. Sigh.

The next car was some sort of shrine/temple, but the hooded figures worshipping turned out to be devils. An imp was sent to greet us on behalf of some douchebag who wanted to thank us for sending Quentin, the casino owner, right down to him. By killing us. Sigh.

I was singled out, but managed to escape and ask for the stone angel's help. A little lie goes a long way[1], and she ran over. By that time, Grog, Thaldohr and Daramin beat the living snot out of the devils.

The train hopped into Mount Celestia just as we moved into a passenger car. Where somebody was murdered. And a mind flayer detective, called Ignatius Inkblot, was investigating. Well what do you know, I'm called Columbo back home. Let's help out!

The victim was an aasimar called Quintus, and on inspection, he was killed by magic missiles. The three other passengers were an azer, a drow woman wearing robes, and a cambion. The direction of the wounds pointed to the cambion, but I made sure to interrogate and search the drow, just in case. She's interested in time dragons and stuff. Well, what do you know, that is also my own hobby.

Anyway, we moved into the cambion's car, where the assistant modron acquiesced to the murder. This made no sense, but Daramin's detect thoughts and pertinent questions quickly proved that the cambion Abernathy was the murderer. I forced open a compartment on the modron, finding the wand of magic missiles.

Of all the motives, both the cambion and the aasimar wanted to be first to swindle the drow scientist.

Well, leave that to me.

Finally, we explored the car transporting the prisoners. We ignored a nycaloth and a devil prisoner, and rescued a cleaning modron who mistakenly locked himself in a cell. And we quickly found our guy.

Thaldohr and Grog played scander and dice with the angel guarding the place, while Daramin and I decided to take a gander at the locomotive. A modron was shoveling gold, jewels and other treasure into the furnace at an alarming rate.

We devised a plan but time was short, so we ended the session and continued next year.


We were fully prepared to spend another night on this, but fortunately we manned up, did not rob the train of its treasure fuel, did not attack the modron guards, and did not attack the angel. It took a lot of restraint though.

We regrouped in the prisoner car, where Thaldohr lost a dice game on purpose, then shook hands with the angel guard, activating his sleeping ring. The angel lay down to rest, and Thaldohr used his mace-key (key-mace?) to open the locks. The prisoner wrote down the names, we exited the car, held hands and jumped into the clouds. He plane shifted us back to Waterdeep, and thus ended a perfectly scored mission. I scored myself a Cloak of the Bat. I am the night!

[1] I said we were on a mission ordained by the gods.

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