Back at it with this year's first game. I tried my Thormund list which lost at the last tournament, against newly painted Crannogmen. Way too excited to take proper pictures, here's me rushing up the right flank and using my opponent's favorite refuse flank strategy against him, round 1.
I had the Cave Dweller Savages charge in, but with a Weakened, they did no major damage. The outflanking Raiders sneaked in, and the lines were drawn for round 2.
In a flash, the Cave Dwellers died. I had underestimated Stark archers, but with Jojen in there to provide rerolls, my guys were mown down. Counterattacking with the Raiders, and marching the Spearwives there as well, accounted for the Crannogman Trackers in return.
I charged in the middle, taking the objective (as per my opponent's objective card). With the updated cards (which I was unaware of), the Followers of Bone no longer healed... but they did good damage to the Bog Devils, and accepted a poison token in return.
I also accepted the charge of the Winterfell Guard (positioning my Thenn Warriors to protect the Followers of Bone) and mostly blunted it, with an Endless Horde of Raiders coming in to secure the objective. This meant scoring 3 points off my opponent's card.
During round 3, the Stark Bowmen decided to retreat, to set up an ambush, but failed to execute the proper combo and the Raiders lived through it.
Spearwives joined in, auto-rolling 6 with Thormund's card, swiftly eliminating the Bowmen.
Then came the coup-de-grace: the Bog Devils attacked my Followers of Bone, to good effect, even suffering through a panic first. But then I counter assaulted with my Raiders, eliminating the unit and scoring my 10th point.
Victory for the Free Folk!
Oh boy, this started out rough, and I was sure I was losing after the volley that killed the Cave Dwellers. However, with the folding of the Stark left flank, it turned out to be alright. Plenty of contributing factors: good cards (thanks Mance!), good positioning (refuse flank for the win), bad positioning for the Starks (refuse flank for the win, dude), forgetting how to combo (better luck next time!).
The game was also confusing for the both of us, with the Followers of Bone cards being updated mid-game, and the Crannogmen seeing battle for the first time (I think). I also haven't played in a while, forgot cards, misread triggers - all the usual stuff. Dice played a big factor, with lucky rolls on both sides.
All in all, I had fun.
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