Friday, January 10, 2025

Painting nun tank crews in the white and black of the Dominicans

Standardizing my Imperial Guard nun tank crew paint scheme. 

Note that the order of applying colors is deliberately broken up, instead of finishing one type of detail after another. I observed that by applying the basecoats quickly, I tend to slop over, but this ordering enables covering up any mistakes without constantly fixing them. Same with the highlights.

Prime Grey Seer.

Bathe the cloth surfaces, except the outside of the headgear, in Apothecary White. No need to be careful at this step, use a larger brush and feel free to splodge all over.

Paint the outside of the headgear, as well as the shoes, Black Legion. On this mini, I also did the base. Tank crews usually don't have a base, and this one won't be really visible either.

Basecoat any metallic surfaces (in this case, the flamer) Leadbelcher.

Paint any washes or Contrasts on the metals. Usually Black Templar on the gun casing and Nuln Oil any other silver parts. For the flamer, Snakebite Leather nozzle, Blood Angels Red gauge, Gryph Hound Orange cable.

Highlight the silver using Chainmail Silver.

Highlight the black headgear and shoes with a mix of Black and Cold Grey, then Cold Grey, as per Black.

Basecoat the face, hands and legs Heavy Skintone.

Finish the face and hands using Reikland Fleshshade, Heavy Skintone, then final highlights of mix of Heavy Skintone and Pale Flesh, as per medium skintone.

Coat the legs Basilicanum Grey. The fleshtone shines through for a passable emulation of stockings.

Highlight the white cloth Dead White.

Coat the base Black.

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