Thursday, January 30, 2025

Painting Pyromancers

More Lannisters - this time, the Pyromancers. A box of these dudes would provide more than enough mage-type miniatures for any D&D player. 

Initial state


Start with Contrast paints and lay the foundations for things I've done previously on Lannister stuff. Then whip out the wet palette for highlights. Fortunately, these guys lack the many kinds of details frequently found on Lannister miniatures, so I could go town with the reds, and then easily cover over with the darker paints.

Poor man's OSL flasks

I've seen some painted versions of these guys and it looked like they carried flashlights in their hands. I went more something more subtle/less pronounced. Basecoat Silver.

Draw the middle Waystone Green. Then paint over all the flask, and slop over around, with Striking Scorpion. It shows a lot better live, the flasks seem to glow even in low light due to the silver undercoat.


Lannister base: orange rock/sand and greenery.


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