A 1000 points training game against a new player. We skipped secondary missions and played a dumbed down version of Purge the Foe. Also no detachments and no stratagems. I had built my list for Pact Bound Zealots, but not having stratagems was a breath of fresh air into the game.
I forgot to take a picture of deployment, so here we are bottom of round 1.
We deployed in table quarters, and the necrons went first. They took objectives and put the Wraiths front and center. The Flayed Ones infiltrated right up to my Possessed and charged them. I sallied forth with everything, sending the Rhino to take an objective.
The Flayed Ones were surprisingly effective, killing 3 Possessed on the charge. I fought back, but I lost that fight in the end.
I disembarked both squads of Chosen and charged forth the center Possessed and Bikers to take down the Wraiths.
I rolled low charges, barely got anything into combat, and they made most of their saves.
At the end of round 1, things were looking bad for me, with my forces in the open and having already lost one squad of Possessed.
Battle round 2
The Glocktopus appeared from deep strike and shot my Cultists. Destroyers moved up all around and took shots at my Chosen, but it was my time to make some saves.
Bravest Cultists in the galaxy charge the Glocktopus to hold it up for a turn.
My surviving forces spread to the winds to charge everything.
During the first round, the meltas did nothing; now, they melted the Destroyers.
I only killed a unit of Immortals and their attached Chronomancer, but I did manage to pile in to everything except that one Heavy Destroyer.
Although we had both lost models, I scored a bunch and had the enemy tied up.
Battle round 3
The one free Heavy Destroyer tried a shot at the Helbrute, but failed to hit thanks to Big Guns Never Tire. The Glocktopus shot the Cultists in melee but my home objective was sticky. Everything else was ineffective.
At the end of their shooting phase, the Necrons conceded the game.
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