One last game of fun with indirect fire artillery, before the incoming codex. Up against my guard, the Dark Angels with turn 1 teleporting Terminators.
Check out my deployment zone, outlined in black.
Battle round 1
The Dark Angels had first turn; once again, I was denied the 0th turn shooting. I also couldn't bubble out, and had to take the 10-man Terminators to the face. Luckily, they failed their 9" charge. But the Predator (proxied by the Whirlwind) killed my Hydra. No great loss.
On my turn, I played "can an entire army's worth of shooting take down 10 Terminators". Yes, it can. I charged in the Bullgryns, but they couldn't kill a Captain.
I expanded my battlelines, took objectives, interdicted the middle with the Deathstrike.
Battle round 2
More Deathwing! This time, they made their 9".
The Deathwing beat my Cadians down to the special weapons, which then fell back and shot heroically. I should have put all my artillery here to finish the guy, but I got greedy and split into the Land Raider.
We both killed off units, with the Kriegers taking a lot of shooting, but holding off the Land Raider with the psyker's force shield.
Always, always focus your fire, kids.
Battle round 3
We knew the shop was closing soon, so we made a point of killing off whatever we could. There was no way for me to match in numbers both my infantry blocks going down; but at least I shot down the Raider, with 4 damage done by the Deathstrike. F yeah!
42-38 for me, but that is with painted army bonus, and only after 3 rounds. The Dark Angels' mobility was down, with all reserves in and some scouts killed off. However, I was missing my large scoring blocks. It was anyone's game at this point, really. So... technical victory, I guess.
My artillery did well; I am curious how the Manticores will perform after losing their reroll in the codex. The Russes held against a round of Predator shooting; they dished out some damage, though not that much. I confess I probably used the -1AP from the Exterminator poorly. Infantry blocks did as expected.
The mission was a strange one, with lots of potential scoring on primary, but somehow we barely made due. Nobody every scored the more objectives part, with the opponent quickly moving in to take points away. Balancing kills was fun going second, but I had way too many units, and I was up against an elite build, to really take advantage.
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