Monday, February 3, 2025

Wreck of the Minnow: a D&D 5E one-shot

In honor of an old time player/returning guest, we held a one shot, a bit reskinned for the occasion. The adventuring party:

  • Éowyn, human fighter
  • Felgrin, fairy wizard
  • Tom Solo, human rogue
  • Lou Fes, human ranger
  • Vagda Lock, shadar-kai hexblade warlock
  • Umber Taker, human cleric

embarked on an expedition to an unexplored island in search of treasure.

After a rather unpleasant journey by ship, during which they became fast friends, the adventurers joined the base camp of intrepid explorers and rag tag fortune hunters. After a couple of days of getting to know the place, they were accosted by Terrence Hill, a fortune hunter living on the island for some time. Terrence, a scion of a noble house turned adventurer, claimed to have discovered the ship of the legendary pirate Captain Spencer, the Whore of 7 Seas. In return for some gold, the adventurers agreed to help him search the wreck and get the treasure map rumored to be hidden within.

The party started their trek across the jungle island, with nothing notable happening during the first 2 days. During the 3rd day, they crossed into the territory of savage orcs. They found a totem pole-skeleton enchanted with Magic Mouth to scare them, and a talking parrot screaming death and pain - the warlock immediately shot it down.

The first actual threat was an ambush and hail of projectiles by a group of unknown assailants[1], which then ran away. As the adventurers ran to follow them, they accosted by a group of hungry manticores. Yes, they were all manticores.

This left the party pretty banged up, so they searched for a place to rest. They found a rotten wagon in the bushes, which of course they looted first, but of course the only loot were two swarms of rats.

Having healed and rested, the adventurers continued on their way, soon finding a larger lake with a shipwreck on the beach. Ignoring the shrunken heads on spikes, they climbed up unto the ship (only two fell down on the first try), and, ignoring the skeleton wrung up on the mast, they descended into the bowels of the vessel.

The navigator's cabin was empty, and the first mate apparently locked himself inside with a considerable amount of booze. He died after 39 days.

In the captain's quarters, the party found a scavenging goblin, half drunk on rum. They tied him up and took him with them, rolling him into the cargo hold, triggering two stirges. Shooting down the beasts, the adventurers confidently walked in, only to be ambushed by ghasts. Eowyn went down to the paralyzing venom, but the adventurers made quick work of the monsters, including the additional stirges.

After a bit more looking around, a scary encounter with a ghost on the privy, and reading the journal of a sailor, the adventurers descended into the bottom-most cargo hold to confront Speedy, the caustic snail. The map was supposed  to be etched into its shell. As soon as Eowyn engaged the snail, the wraith of Captain Spencer appeared to defend his pet to the last.

The wraith and snail weakened the adventurers, but they were losing. So Terrence decided to join the fight against the adventurers, hoping to take the map for himself. After the initial surprise attack, he was quickly beaten down, and his ring of misty step counterspell'd by Felgrin.

Thus the adventurers killed all their enemies, bashed in Speedy's shell to take the map, rested knowing that the orcs do not approach the ship, then went on to dig out the treasure and return to Waterdeep with a king's (pirate's?) ransom. Never again will Eowyn have to cook stew for them.

[1] Probably the aforementioned savage orcs.

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