New year's come and gone, goals achieved, all the good stuff. Now, for January...
Gaming was... OK, with a slow start after the new year. I did one of each 40k, ASOIAF, Golden Vault and Dungeon of the Mad Mage. Then I got hit with the flu and didn't go out of the house for over a week.
Hobby wise, I just couldn't put myself to paint anything. Partly because I discovered Baldur's Gate 3, which I'm playing multiplayer with old friends. It was fun during the holidays because I could go at it for days on end, now it's just some evenings of weekend afternoons. But also because I wasn't feeling it. So I did assembly/conversion work instead. I have around 45 marines, a load of cultists, traitor guard, nuns of all kinds, tanks, as well as other projects, ready to go.
And it would be time to go... due to some acquisitions, I am now at -50. Yeah, you read that right.
Now that I'm kind of over the flu... it's pedal to the metal! I want to finish as many nuns and tanks as possible before the Guard codex hits.
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