Thursday, February 6, 2025

Painting a female Custodes

Time for another miniature painted as a gift, this time with a hefty amount of trolling added to the mix. I asked my guy how he paints his Custodes and how he'd like a new addition painted - without obviously mentioning her female nature. Thus, she'll be a Shadowkeeper on a snow base. And of course she bears a canonical name.


Assemble the 3d printed miniature and glue her to the base. Add a sawed off Chaos Warrior head and terrain paste for the snow base.


Prime Grey Seer. Paint the Snowy base.

Block in the golden ornaments using Nazdreg Yellow. Then block in the black armor using Black Templar.

Paint the silver parts - weapon haft, pipes - Leadbelcher. Then paint over the black and silver Basilicanum Grey. Paint the dark red shoulder pad as Dark red with no highlights. Then highlight the silver as metal and paint the Shiny gold.

Clean up around the gold with Black, then highlight Black. At this point I painted all the other details:

I wanted a meme-y hair, so basecoat Doomfire Magenta.

Coat Magos Purple to subtly shift towards purple.

Highlight Warlord Purple + Bonewhite, then Squid Pink.


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