Monday, February 17, 2025

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Into the shadows

New year, new beginnings. We started off very slowly, due to all the smalltalk, but the players have done their homework, and quickly resurrected the remaining dead and bought their equipment.

They descended into the dungeon once again, first meeting up with the githyanki and learning about what happened while they were recuperating. The gith pounced on the weakened mind flayer colony, slaughtering everything and selling their loot to a gnomish space faring trader. Disappointed, the adventurers poked at this a bit more, but concluded that their fabled magic gear is well and truly gone. Oh well.

The party descended to the next level, immediately feeling the shadows creeping in, concluding that this place is unnaturally evil. They bypassed a wall of darkness, after trying out what happens if you shoot it with arrows, fire, push an arrow in by hand, etc. In a small chamber, they found some coffins, which they immediately proceeded to open. Obviously, vampires. Level 15 adventurers are no joke, even without magic gear, so one vampire spawn died, and the other two fled.

Next session, the adventurers continued their tour of the dungeon level, exploring a torch and candle making workshop[1]. Then, they stepped into a fog-filled room, experienced a vision of talking to an armored skeleton. They discovered the fellow's ruined throne, and found a magic armor buried within the rubble. Tari equipped it, only to have two shadows materialize and attack her at once.

After putting down the shadows, the adventurers decided on a long rest. In the nest of vampires. Great idea all around, I'm sure nothing bad will happen. Especially with two vampires having escaped to warn their friends.

A long combat encounter followed. The adventurers are severely nerfed and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing them fight tooth and nail for every step. They had their life drained and their face punched in. 

They also came up with a pretty smart solution, by having Ireth raise a wall of fire[2] and then each turn, the cleric and paladin alternatively turned the vampires into running at the wall. Finally, after losing a couple of their number, the vampires fled, and the adventurers were free to to whatever they wanted[3], again.

[1] Ooo, purple flames!

[2] Pencil.

[3] With no consequences whatsoever, as you are sure by now.

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