Monday, December 30, 2024

Golden Vault: Flame on

Our newest assignment is once again increased in scope: the saving of the accursed city of Ghalasine. Some evil wizard is using the king's heart for a dark ritual[1] and we need to remove the heart from the city. Further details to be found from Naevys, captain of the royal guard. And of course, some confirmed rumors: there's a huge ball hovering above Ghalasine, and it's vacuuming the city upwards. Locals cannot enter due to a magical barrier.

On to our newly acquired brooms of flying! We flew into the city of Uluvin, neighboring Ghalasine, to meet up with the captain, apparently an elf woman whom 50 tried to seduce, repeatedly, unsuccessfully.

Saturday, December 28, 2024

The year in review

First and foremost, as always, miniature painting: the year has been incredible! I set the goal to paint 365 miniatures, with multipliers. Well the final result is 435, or 569 with multipliers! Time to open the champagne.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Painting a D&D Ettin and Ogre

I've already painted an Ettin - one more coming up, along with a prepainted ogre. I didn't take any photos before, I just sprayed over with Wraithbone. Time to apply the Contrast paints once more, but use different colors here and there, and experiment a bit.

Painting Ashardalon, adult red dragon

I got this Ashardalon miniature from the Wrath of Ashardalon D&D board game. I decided to paint it as a red dragon; as I already painted a gargantuan red dragon, I was heavily inspired from its paint scheme.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Golden Vault: Reverse graverobbing

Our next mission had a more ridiculous premise. The city of Ostocan had been built in the seismically active Greypeak mountain range - so active, in fact, that no other settlement ever remained whole, except this magically unaffected city. Or at least, until now. The Onix Scar, a criminal organization in charge of the city, had robbed a giant's tomb, somehow removing the magical protection. We received a crystal shard to be placed back inside. The shard glowed with hidden movement inside. Grog attuned to it, receiving great strength, but possible misfortune. 

Our Waterdeep contacts provided some more useful info. The city had been built around a long ruined citadel. The Onix Scar dug underneath the ancient structure, and they are guarding the tunnel well. Inside, they mine for strange crystals that work as arcane foci, but are prone to breaking.

Off we were, riding into the sunset. For a whole week.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Painting Casterly Rock Honor Guard

Next up in the line of Lannister troops, a squad of Honor Guard. They were hastily primed and half painted to show some color for a tournament, and it shows. They were heavily overprimed, with some details obscured and large bubbles in the recesses. I tried my best to give them a nice paintjob.

Painting Neutral Heroes 3... plus a couple more

This month's batch of heroes to paint include the box of Neutral Heroes 3, plus a couple more, including two versions of Bronn. We agreed on brown rim for the neutral stuff, and woodland base for the westerosi people. As my client mainly plays Lannisters, and just cannot have crossbowmen without Bronn, I suggested to paint one neutral variant (with purple cloth) and one Lannister-aligned variant (red cloth, Lannister base). That's just fine, I can batch paint with Kevan Lannister. I half-painted his mini last time but he was taken away for a tournament. Time to finish everything.

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Enter the Matrix

We ended the last session on a real low note, with everybody dead or unconscious. We began this session with an extra player. I asked her if she had any ideas to solve the situation while not being there. At her negative answer, she was lumped in with the rest of the party.

Who were all sitting around the Yawning Portal tavern, eating and drinking.

Wait, what?

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: Into the giant worm

Picking up where we left off, the adventurers started their combat encounter against a gargantuan Neothelid. I was really stoked into doing stuff to them. But the first spell, cast by Antrius, was Otto's Irresistible Dance. And so the worm took an Ice Storm, a suped up Fireball, and a suped up Harm to the face before doing anything. Then it dodged through moonbeams, blights and more fireballs, with the bard successfully saving against a Feeblemind[1]. By the time Solid reached melee range, the worm was already in a bad spot. At least it got to swallow Antrius. And then Szivem. And then it died.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage: The menacing doors

Awakening after their long rest, the adventurers promptly forgot about last session's telepathic conversations, and continued exploring the caverns. They met a colony of flumphs, who reluctantly asked them to slay the evil mind flayers.

The adventurers agreed, then promptly forgot again, and broke down the door leading to the githyanki rooms.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Painting giant gorillas (and a weregorilla)

I decided to paint up a giant gorilla as my D&D party adopted the polymorph trick - and apes are more intelligent than a T-rex. I discovered that I have two - so batch paint them both. And also a weregorilla, while we're here.

Painting wereboars

I decided to paint up my two wereboars along with Borroq's boar

Monday, December 9, 2024

Free Folk vs Starks, 07.12.2024

I really thought that I had nailed this Here we stand scenario with my army composition. I had more units, including my outflanking Raiders, and more NCUs.

Free Folk vs Martells, 07.12.2024

In this game of Fire and Blood, I encountered a much more dangerous Martell list than last time. The Sand Skirmishers unit got to shoot several times and killed my Savages during the first turn, with no chance of retaliation. I went into this with a deficit, but determined to make them pay.

Free Folk vs Lannisters, 07.12.2024

First game against my old foes (although piloted by a new opponent), the Lannisters.

A Song of Ice & Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game tournament, 07.12.2024

Our biggest event yet with 8 participants! 

My games:

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Converting and painting a Word Bearers Predator

I bought this second hand back for the Ulpia campaign and it functioned well in a narrative setting - given that it was assembled with two different kinds of sponsoons! After the Vindicator, which was relatively easy to do, I wanted to crack this tough nut, converting the tank to modern 40k.

High quality photos taken by GM Photography.

Monday, December 2, 2024

Golden Vault: Warehouse bloody waltz

This time, we were hired by the dwarf Samphith Goldenbeard to steal a tiara belonging to his ancestor, a dwarven queen. Nevermind that he was right in the process of stealing it when his partner, the elf Nixylanna Vidorant, decided to abscond with the treasure, leaving the dwarf to be caught. Those damn white surface elves! What can you expect from them. We met the dwarf in a tavern but he gave us literally zero useful intel besides the location of Nixylanna's warehouse where the tiara is kept. Rumors also turned up nothing. Thus, we decided to scout out the place. After finding out that 6 guards are exchanged every 6 hours or so, we decided to get town guard uniforms, and knock on the front door, asking for the protection money we were owed. The guards did not want to entreat with us, so I shot the man in the doorway in the face, and we rushed in. We took the guy at gunpoint, and he lead us all through the facility, beginning to end.

But not before Grog the barbarian decided to open a safe with his crowbar, releasing a hold person spell trap.

Sunday, December 1, 2024

November review and December goals

November went by quickly.

Dungeon of the Mad Mage is still going on, with the party currently in big doodoo. Can't wait to see how they screw up this time. Golden Vault missions are also under way, where we try to stealth/talk our way through stuff but just go and murder everybody when it doesn't work. We're all having fun, so no big deal.

With all the RPGs going full steam, wargaming suffered a bit, but not by much. Warhammer and ASOIAF are still breathing, and we'll have a local tournament and a narrative game planned for December.

Finally, painting sees me finish all my commission work for the year during December. I took on one last ASOIAF commission, with one box already done and the second in progress. I'm looking on clearing my hobby debt acquired in exchange for various deals and transactions. Some big monsters incoming!

Lastly, if I do manage to finish all of the above, I have two directions to look at.

First, I'll be around 575 miniatures painted for the year (with multipliers). I could work that up to 600.

Second, my display cabinet should be ready in a week or so. I can start assembling/converting/magnetizing/LEDig miniatures, so that I can start the new year swinging.

Third, which is not hobby related, is me catching up with video games and/or shows. I discovered some pretty good Warhammer animations, and I'll go through them in time.

Sounds like a totally reasonable plan - I'll have a go at accomplishing 150%.